Lukáš Machalický



Galerie SPZ

Knock Knock

Knock Knock
Lukáš Machalický, Robert Šalanda

The build­ing has three storeys: the lower ground floor (with ac­cess to the gar­den), the ground floor and the upper floor, with a total floor area in­clud­ing the garage of 300 m². All of the rooms have par­quet floor­ing, and other parts of the house have their orig­i­nal mar­ble floors. The walls are painted white, al­ter­nat­ing with blocks of pleas­ant, light colours. The guest room on the upper floor has a colour scheme of fresh and cheer­ful green with muted tones of grey and white. On the ground floor there is a cloak­room (with a win­dow) and the build­ing’s util­ity room, with a wash­ing ma­chine and dryer… The re­lax­ation room and kitchen are dom­i­nated by wood, which con­trasts with the slate tiles fit­ted in the kitchen and fire­place. The study has a small desk, an in­laid writ­ing table, two clocks and two rec­tan­gu­lar mir­rors. Shoot­ing equip­ment is also stored here. An­other room serves as a bed­room, with two beds, two ta­bles and sev­eral chairs. The in­te­rior décor in­cludes twenty il­lu­mi­nated paper land­scapes. The final room is for re­lax­ing, as its fur­nish­ings would sug­gest (couches, Turk­ish car­pets, a lute, etc.).

view of the installation
left: Robert Šalanda
Knock Knock 2
3D scan, digital print, oak frame,
standard mount, 75 × 100 × 5 cm
front side: Knock Knock 1
OSB, KVH, facade membrane,
tape 385 × 470 × 10 cm
Knock Knock 2
3D scan, digital print, oak frame,
standard mount, 75 × 100 × 5 cm
view of the installation
left: Robert Šalanda
back side: Knock Knock 1
3D scan, digital print, oak frame,
standard mount, 110 × 150 × 5 cm
Knock Knock 1
3D scan, digital print, oak frame,
standard mount, 110 × 150 × 5 cm